Directory 0.2.1/templates/de/emails/

Directory Created:
2008-01-24 01:06
Directory Deleted:
2008-01-24 22:17
Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:

                    Folder removed from repo admin (0 files, 0 lines)
                    Folder removed from repo admins (0 files, 0 lines)
                    Folder removed from repo beg (0 files, 0 lines)
                    Folder removed from repo bonus (0 files, 0 lines)
                    Folder removed from repo guest (0 files, 0 lines)
                    Folder removed from repo member (0 files, 0 lines)


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
quix0r 60 (100.0%) 0 (-) 0.0

Most Recent Commits

quix0r 2008-01-24 22:17 Rev.: 3180

0 lines of code changed in 30 files:

  • 0.2.1/templates/de/emails: add-points.tpl (del), admin-del_links.tpl (del), admins_mail_contact_admin.tpl (del), admins_mail_contct_admin.tpl (del), admins_msg_contact_admin.tpl (del), admins_msg_contct_admin.tpl (del), back-admin.tpl (del), back-member.tpl (del), bonus-mail.tpl (del), confirm-member.tpl (del), confirm-referral.tpl (del), del-user.tpl (del), done-admin.tpl (del), done-member.tpl (del), header.tpl (del), lock-user.tpl (del), new-pass.tpl (del), newsletter.tpl (del), newsletter_html.tpl (del), normal-mail.tpl (del), order-accept.tpl (del), order-admin.tpl (del), order-deleted.tpl (del), order-member.tpl (del), order-reject.tpl (del), profile-updte.tpl (del), register-admin.tpl (del), register-member.tpl (del), sub-points.tpl (del), unlock-user.tpl (del)
quix0r 2008-01-24 01:06 Rev.: 3179

Iinitial import

0 lines of code changed in 30 files:

  • 0.2.1/templates/de/emails: add-points.tpl (new), admin-del_links.tpl (new), admins_mail_contact_admin.tpl (new), admins_mail_contct_admin.tpl (new), admins_msg_contact_admin.tpl (new), admins_msg_contct_admin.tpl (new), back-admin.tpl (new), back-member.tpl (new), bonus-mail.tpl (new), confirm-member.tpl (new), confirm-referral.tpl (new), del-user.tpl (new), done-admin.tpl (new), done-member.tpl (new), header.tpl (new), lock-user.tpl (new), new-pass.tpl (new), newsletter.tpl (new), newsletter_html.tpl (new), normal-mail.tpl (new), order-accept.tpl (new), order-admin.tpl (new), order-deleted.tpl (new), order-member.tpl (new), order-reject.tpl (new), profile-updte.tpl (new), register-admin.tpl (new), register-member.tpl (new), sub-points.tpl (new), unlock-user.tpl (new)
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