Directory branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin/

Directory Created:
2004-09-10 12:52
Directory Deleted:
2012-12-29 20:39
Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:


Lines of Code

branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 1641 (100.0%) 13425 (100.0%) 8.1
quixy 1482 (90.3%) 13425 (100.0%) 9.0
root 159 (9.7%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Most Recent Commits

root 2012-12-29 20:39 Rev.: 3178

Deleted from CVS import

0 lines of code changed in 159 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: .htaccess (del), action- (del), action-admins.php (del), action-country.php (del), action-doubler.php (del), action-email.php (del), action-engine.php (del), action-forum.php (del), action-guestnl.php (del), action-holiday.php (del), action-login.php (del), action-menu.php (del), action-misc.php (del), action-mods.php (del), action-newsletter.php (del), action-paidlinks.php (del), action-payouts.php (del), action-rallye.php (del), action-repair.php (del), action-setup.php (del), action-shop.php (del), action-signup.php (del), action-sponsor.php (del), action-stats.php (del), action-task.php (del), action-theme.php (del), action-transfer.php (del), action-user.php (del), admin-inc.php (del), overview-inc.php (del), what- (del), what-add_guestnl_cat.php (del), what-add_points.php (del), what-add_rallye.php (del), what-add_shop_cat.php (del), what-add_signup.php (del), what-add_sponsor.php (del), what-admin_add.php (del), what-adminedit.php (del), what-admins_add.php (del), what-admins_contact.php (del), what-admins_contct.php (del), what-admins_edit.php (del), what-admins_mails.php (del), what-autopurge.php (del), what-bonus.php (del), what-cache_stats.php (del), what-chk_regs.php (del), what-config_active.php (del), what-config_admins.php (del), what-config_autopurge.php (del), what-config_beg.php (del), what-config_birthday.php (del), what-config_bonus.php (del), what-config_cats.php (del), what-config_doubler.php (del), what-config_email.php (del), what-config_engine.php (del), what-config_extensions.php (del), what-config_holiday.php (del), what-config_home.php (del), what-config_mods.php (del), what-config_newsletter.php (del), what-config_nickname.php (del), what-config_order.php (del), what-config_other.php (del), what-config_paidlinks_main.php (del), what-config_paidlinks_types.php (del), what-config_payouts.php (del), what-config_points.php (del), what-config_rallye_prices.php (del), what-config_refid.php (del), what-config_reg.php (del), what-config_register.php (del), what-config_rewrite.php (del), what-config_secure.php (del), what-config_shop.php (del), what-config_sponsor.php (del), what-config_stats.php (del), what-config_title.php (del), what-config_top10.php (del), what-config_transfer.php (del), what-config_user.php (del), what-del_email.php (del), what-del_holiday.php (del), what-del_sponsor.php (del), what-del_task.php (del), what-del_transfer.php (del), what-del_user.php (del), what-edit_emails.php (del), what-edit_guestnl.php (del), what-edit_shop_cat.php (del), what-edit_sponsor.php (del), what-edit_user.php (del), what-email_archiv.php (del), what-email_details.php (del), what-email_stats.php (del), what-engine_urls.php (del), what-extensions.php (del), what-forum.php (del), what-guest_add.php (del), what-guestedit.php (del), what-guestnl_edit.php (del), what-guestnl_list.php (del), what-guestnl_send.php (del), what-holiday_list.php (del), what-holiday_remove.php (del), what-list_autopurge.php (del), what-list_bonus.php (del), what-list_cats.php (del), what-list_country.php (del), what-list_doubler.php (del), what-list_guestnl.php (del), what-list_holiday.php (del), what-list_links.php (del), what-list_newsletter.php (del), what-list_payouts.php (del), what-list_rallyes.php (del), what-list_refs.php (del), what-list_sponsor.php (del), what-list_sponsor_pay.php (del), what-list_sponsor_pays.php (del), what-list_task.php (del), what-list_transfer.php (del), what-list_unconfirmed.php (del), what-list_user.php (del), what-lock_sponsor.php (del), what-lock_user.php (del), what-logs.php (del), what-maintenance.php (del), what-mem_add.php (del), what-memedit.php (del), what-newsletter.php (del), what-optimize.php (del), what-overview.php (del), what-payments.php (del), what-refbanner.php (del), what-repair_amenu.php (del), what-repair_amnu.php (del), what-repair_cats.php (del), what-repair_gmenu.php (del), what-repair_gmnu.php (del), what-repair_mmenu.php (del), what-repair_mmnu.php (del), what-send_bonus.php (del), what-send_guestnl.php (del), what-send_newsletter.php (del), what-stats.php (del), what-stats_mods.php (del), what-sub_points.php (del), what-theme_check.php (del), what-theme_edit.php (del), what-theme_import.php (del), what-unlock_emails.php (del), what-unlock_sponsor.php (del), what-updates.php (del), what-usage.php (del), what-user_online.php (del), what-usr_online.php (del)
quixy 2005-09-24 18:58 Rev.: 3155

*** empty log message ***

13 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: what-config_admins.php (+13 -5)
quixy 2005-09-24 18:53 Rev.: 3153

*** empty log message ***

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: admin-inc.php (+1 -1)
quixy 2005-09-21 17:09 Rev.: 3133

*** empty log message ***

6 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: what-overview.php (+6 -3)
quixy 2005-09-19 17:30 Rev.: 3102

*** empty log message ***

106 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: what-list_rallyes.php (+106 -104)
quixy 2005-09-18 18:03 Rev.: 3100

*** empty log message ***

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: what-overview.php (+3)
quixy 2005-09-18 17:40 Rev.: 3096

*** empty log message ***

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: overview-inc.php (+1 -1)
quixy 2005-09-18 11:18 Rev.: 3084

*** empty log message ***

52 lines of code changed in 10 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: what-admin_add.php (+5 -2), what-config_other.php (+10 -10), what-config_points.php (+9 -3), what-config_reg.php (+4 -1), what-config_secure.php (+1 -3), what-edit_emails.php (+4 -1), what-guest_add.php (+5 -2), what-mem_add.php (+5 -2), what-payments.php (+5 -2), what-refbanner.php (+4 -1)
quixy 2005-09-17 23:18 Rev.: 3082

*** empty log message ***

59 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: what-adminedit.php (+18 -19), what-guestedit.php (+18 -19), what-list_newsletter.php (+1 -4), what-list_task.php (+5 -9), what-memedit.php (+17 -18)
quixy 2005-09-17 23:06 Rev.: 3080

*** empty log message ***

103 lines of code changed in 45 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: overview-inc.php (+2 -2), what-add_guestnl_cat.php (+1 -1), what-add_points.php (+3 -3), what-add_rallye.php (+1 -1), what-add_shop_cat.php (+1 -1), what-add_signup.php (+1 -1), what-add_sponsor.php (+1 -1), what-admin_add.php (+1 -1), what-admins_add.php (+1 -1), what-admins_contct.php (+1 -1), what-admins_edit.php (+4 -4), what-admins_mails.php (+2 -2), what-autopurge.php (+1 -1), what-config_admins.php (+5 -5), what-config_cats.php (+5 -5), what-config_email.php (+5 -5), what-config_mods.php (+2 -2), what-config_payouts.php (+3 -3), what-config_rallye_prices.php (+5 -5), what-del_sponsor.php (+1 -1), what-del_transfer.php (+1 -1), what-del_user.php (+1 -1), what-edit_emails.php (+2 -2), what-edit_sponsor.php (+1 -1), what-edit_user.php (+1 -1), what-extensions.php (+5 -5), what-forum.php (+4 -4), what-guest_add.php (+1 -1), what-list_bonus.php (+1 -1), what-list_country.php (+6 -6), what-list_payouts.php (+2 -2), what-list_rallyes.php (+3 -3), what-list_sponsor_pay.php (+8 -8), what-lock_sponsor.php (+1 -1), what-lock_user.php (+1 -1), what-maintenance.php (+1 -1), what-mem_add.php (+1 -1), what-payments.php (+3 -3), what-refbanner.php (+3 -3), what-send_bonus.php (+1 -1), what-send_newsletter.php (+1 -1), what-sub_points.php (+3 -3), what-theme_edit.php (+2 -2), what-unlock_emails.php (+3 -3), what-unlock_sponsor.php (+1 -1)
quixy 2005-09-17 22:24 Rev.: 3078

*** empty log message ***

47 lines of code changed in 27 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: what-config_active.php (+1 -1), what-config_autopurge.php (+1 -1), what-config_beg.php (+1 -1), what-config_birthday.php (+1 -1), what-config_bonus.php (+2 -2), what-config_doubler.php (+1 -1), what-config_engine.php (+1 -1), what-config_extensions.php (+1 -1), what-config_holiday.php (+1 -1), what-config_home.php (+2 -2), what-config_newsletter.php (+1 -1), what-config_nickname.php (+1 -1), what-config_order.php (+1 -1), what-config_other.php (+13 -13), what-config_points.php (+6 -6), what-config_refid.php (+1 -1), what-config_reg.php (+2 -2), what-config_register.php (+1 -1), what-config_rewrite.php (+1 -1), what-config_secure.php (+1 -1), what-config_shop.php (+1 -1), what-config_sponsor.php (+1 -1), what-config_stats.php (+1 -1), what-config_title.php (+1 -1), what-config_top10.php (+1 -1), what-config_transfer.php (+1 -1), what-config_user.php (+1 -1)
quixy 2005-09-17 21:59 Rev.: 3076

*** empty log message ***

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: what-cache_stats.php (+1 -1)
quixy 2005-09-14 20:41 Rev.: 3042

*** empty log message ***

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: overview-inc.php (-1)
quixy 2005-09-12 21:19 Rev.: 3036

*** empty log message ***

22 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: overview-inc.php (+22 -7)
quixy 2005-09-12 20:47 Rev.: 3034

*** empty log message ***

8 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: what-list_task.php (+4 -1), what-overview.php (+4 -2)
quixy 2005-09-12 20:26 Rev.: 3032

*** empty log message ***

4 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: what-cache_stats.php (+4 -2)
quixy 2005-09-12 19:56 Rev.: 3028

*** empty log message ***

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: admin-inc.php (+1 -1)
quixy 2005-09-11 17:04 Rev.: 3006

*** empty log message ***

86 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: what-unlock_sponsor.php (+86 -43)
quixy 2005-09-09 21:38 Rev.: 2976

*** empty log message ***

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: what-list_sponsor.php (+1 -1)
quixy 2005-09-04 22:29 Rev.: 2958

*** empty log message ***

8 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: what-admins_edit.php (+8 -11)
quixy 2005-09-04 21:15 Rev.: 2956

*** empty log message ***

9 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: admin-inc.php (+9 -5)
quixy 2005-09-04 09:40 Rev.: 2934

*** empty log message ***

4 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: what-list_unconfirmed.php (+4 -1)
quixy 2005-09-03 18:23 Rev.: 2928

*** empty log message ***

317 lines of code changed in 95 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: admin-inc.php (+2 -2), overview-inc.php (+8 -8), what-add_guestnl_cat.php (+1 -1), what-add_points.php (+4 -4), what-add_rallye.php (+1 -1), what-add_shop_cat.php (+1 -1), what-add_signup.php (+1 -1), what-add_sponsor.php (+1 -1), what-admin_add.php (+3 -3), what-adminedit.php (+13 -13), what-admins_add.php (+3 -3), what-admins_contct.php (+2 -2), what-admins_edit.php (+6 -6), what-admins_mails.php (+3 -3), what-autopurge.php (+1 -1), what-config_active.php (+1 -1), what-config_admins.php (+8 -8), what-config_autopurge.php (+1 -1), what-config_beg.php (+1 -1), what-config_birthday.php (+1 -1), what-config_bonus.php (+2 -2), what-config_cats.php (+4 -4), what-config_doubler.php (+1 -1), what-config_email.php (+5 -5), what-config_engine.php (+1 -1), what-config_extensions.php (+1 -1), what-config_holiday.php (+1 -1), what-config_home.php (+2 -2), what-config_mods.php (+2 -2), what-config_newsletter.php (+1 -1), what-config_nickname.php (+1 -1), what-config_order.php (+1 -1), what-config_other.php (+12 -12), what-config_payouts.php (+5 -5), what-config_points.php (+7 -7), what-config_rallye_prices.php (+8 -8), what-config_refid.php (+1 -1), what-config_reg.php (+3 -3), what-config_register.php (+1 -1), what-config_rewrite.php (+1 -1), what-config_secure.php (+2 -2), what-config_shop.php (+1 -1), what-config_sponsor.php (+1 -1), what-config_stats.php (+1 -1), what-config_title.php (+1 -1), what-config_top10.php (+1 -1), what-config_transfer.php (+1 -1), what-config_user.php (+1 -1), what-del_email.php (+3 -3), what-del_holiday.php (+1 -1), what-del_sponsor.php (+3 -3), what-del_transfer.php (+1 -1), what-del_user.php (+3 -3), what-edit_emails.php (+3 -3), what-edit_sponsor.php (+3 -3), what-edit_user.php (+4 -4), what-email_archiv.php (+2 -2), what-email_details.php (+5 -5), what-extensions.php (+9 -9), what-forum.php (+5 -5), what-guest_add.php (+3 -3), what-guestedit.php (+16 -16), what-list_bonus.php (+1 -1), what-list_cats.php (+1 -1), what-list_country.php (+6 -6), what-list_doubler.php (+2 -2), what-list_links.php (+3 -1), what-list_newsletter.php (+2 -2), what-list_payouts.php (+5 -5), what-list_rallyes.php (+8 -8), what-list_refs.php (+1 -1), what-list_sponsor.php (+2 -2), what-list_sponsor_pay.php (+13 -13), what-list_sponsor_pays.php (+1 -1), what-list_task.php (+7 -7), what-list_unconfirmed.php (+2 -2), what-list_user.php (+7 -7), what-lock_sponsor.php (+3 -3), what-lock_user.php (+6 -6), what-logs.php (+1 -1), what-maintenance.php (+1 -1), what-mem_add.php (+3 -3), what-memedit.php (+17 -17), what-payments.php (+5 -5), what-refbanner.php (+6 -6), what-send_bonus.php (+2 -2), what-send_newsletter.php (+1 -1), what-stats_mods.php (+1 -1), what-sub_points.php (+4 -4), what-theme_edit.php (+4 -4), what-theme_import.php (+1 -1), what-unlock_emails.php (+5 -5), what-unlock_sponsor.php (+1 -1), what-updates.php (+1 -1), what-usage.php (+2 -2)
quixy 2005-08-31 19:33 Rev.: 2917

*** empty log message ***

12 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: admin-inc.php (+2 -2), what-email_archiv.php (+4 -4), what-email_details.php (+5 -5), what-list_unconfirmed.php (+1 -1)
quixy 2005-08-31 19:00 Rev.: 2913

*** empty log message ***

39 lines of code changed in 26 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: what-admin_add.php (+2 -2), what-admins_add.php (+2 -2), what-admins_edit.php (+1 -1), what-config_bonus.php (+1 -1), what-config_email.php (+1 -1), what-config_other.php (+1 -1), what-config_points.php (+2 -2), what-config_rallye_prices.php (+1 -1), what-config_secure.php (+1 -1), what-del_user.php (+1 -1), what-edit_emails.php (+1 -1), what-edit_sponsor.php (+1 -1), what-edit_user.php (+3 -3), what-guest_add.php (+2 -2), what-guestedit.php (+1 -1), what-list_doubler.php (+1 -1), what-list_newsletter.php (+2 -2), what-list_payouts.php (+1 -1), what-list_sponsor_pay.php (+4 -4), what-lock_user.php (+1 -1), what-mem_add.php (+2 -2), what-payments.php (+1 -1), what-refbanner.php (+2 -2), what-stats_mods.php (+1 -1), what-unlock_emails.php (+2 -2), what-usage.php (+1 -1)
quixy 2005-08-30 20:47

*** empty log message ***

1233 lines of code changed in 197 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: admin-inc.php (+22), overview-inc.php (+3 -3), what-add_guestnl_cat.php (+1 -1), what-add_points.php (+4 -4), what-add_rallye.php (+4), what-add_shop_cat.php (+6), what-add_signup.php (+1 -1), what-add_sponsor.php (+1 -1), what-admin_add.php (+2 -2), what-adminedit.php (+8 -8), what-admins_add.php (+1 -1), what-admins_contct.php (+2 -2), what-admins_edit.php (+8 -1), what-admins_mails.php (+3 -3), what-autopurge.php (+1 -1), what-chk_regs.php (+3), what-config_active.php (+1 -1), what-config_admins.php (+6 -6), what-config_autopurge.php (+1 -1), what-config_beg.php (+1 -1), what-config_birthday.php (+1 -1), what-config_bonus.php (+1 -1), what-config_cats.php (+9), what-config_doubler.php (+1 -1), what-config_email.php (+4 -4), what-config_engine.php (+1 -1), what-config_extensions.php (+1 -1), what-config_holiday.php (+1 -1), what-config_home.php (+2 -2), what-config_mods.php (+2 -2), what-config_newsletter.php (+1 -1), what-config_nickname.php (+1 -1), what-config_order.php (+1 -1), what-config_other.php (+2 -2), what-config_payouts.php (+5 -5), what-config_points.php (+5 -5), what-config_rallye_prices.php (+7 -7), what-config_refid.php (+1 -1), what-config_reg.php (+2 -2), what-config_register.php (+1 -1), what-config_rewrite.php (+3 -2), what-config_secure.php (+1 -1), what-config_shop.php (+1 -1), what-config_sponsor.php (+1 -1), what-config_stats.php (+1 -1), what-config_title.php (+1 -1), what-config_top10.php (+1 -1), what-config_transfer.php (+1 -1), what-config_user.php (+1 -1), what-del_email.php (+58 -41), what-del_holiday.php (+5 -3), what-del_sponsor.php (+3 -3), what-del_transfer.php (+3), what-del_user.php (+4), what-edit_emails.php (+10 -6), what-edit_sponsor.php (+1), what-edit_user.php (+1 -1), what-email_archiv.php (+9 -3), what-email_details.php (+5), what-extensions.php (+9), what-forum.php (+9 -4), what-guest_add.php (+14), what-guestedit.php (+22 -8), what-list_autopurge.php (+3), what-list_bonus.php (+1 -1), what-list_cats.php (+1 -1), what-list_country.php (+6 -6), what-list_doubler.php (+4 -4), what-list_holiday.php (+1 -1), what-list_links.php (+6), what-list_payouts.php (+3 -3), what-list_rallyes.php (+18 -6), what-list_refs.php (+1 -1), what-list_sponsor.php (+2 -2), what-list_sponsor_pay.php (+8 -8), what-list_sponsor_pays.php (+3 -1), what-list_task.php (+3 -3), what-list_transfer.php (+3), what-list_unconfirmed.php (+2 -2), what-list_user.php (+5 -5), what-lock_sponsor.php (+2), what-lock_user.php (+1 -1), what-maintenance.php (+2 -1), what-mem_add.php (+2 -2), what-memedit.php (+20 -8), what-optimize.php (+30 -34), what-payments.php (+6 -6), what-refbanner.php (+9), what-repair_amnu.php (+7), what-repair_cats.php (+9), what-repair_gmnu.php (+7 -3), what-repair_mmnu.php (+7), what-send_bonus.php (+12), what-send_newsletter.php (+1 -1), what-stats_mods.php (+1 -1), what-sub_points.php (+6), what-theme_check.php (-2), what-theme_edit.php (+3 -3), what-theme_import.php (+3 -2), what-unlock_emails.php (+10), what-unlock_sponsor.php (+1 -1), what-updates.php (+3 -2), what-usage.php (+2 -2), what-usr_online.php (+8)
quixy 2005-08-28 12:17 Rev.: 2867

*** empty log message ***

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: what-send_bonus.php (+3 -5)
quixy 2005-08-28 11:15 Rev.: 2863

*** empty log message ***

20 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: what-extensions.php (+20 -24)
quixy 2005-08-27 22:02 Rev.: 2851

*** empty log message ***

90 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: what-config_points.php (+90 -110)
quixy 2005-08-27 21:54 Rev.: 2849

*** empty log message ***

6 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: what-theme_edit.php (+6 -6)
quixy 2005-08-27 21:17 Rev.: 2845

*** empty log message ***

54 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: what-adminedit.php (+54 -22)
quixy 2005-08-27 21:04 Rev.: 2843

*** empty log message ***

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: what-theme_check.php (+3 -2)
quixy 2005-08-27 20:07 Rev.: 2837

*** empty log message ***

85 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: what-config_mods.php (+1 -1), what-guestedit.php (+5 -5), what-list_links.php (+18 -10), what-list_rallyes.php (+36 -30), what-memedit.php (+25 -22)
quixy 2005-08-27 19:09 Rev.: 2831

*** empty log message ***

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: what-list_refs.php (+2 -1)
quixy 2005-08-27 18:57 Rev.: 2829

*** empty log message ***

28 lines of code changed in 14 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: what-add_points.php (+4 -5), what-admins_add.php (+5 -4), what-config_cats.php (+3 -3), what-config_email.php (+1 -1), what-config_home.php (+1 -1), what-config_payouts.php (+1 -1), what-edit_emails.php (+1 -1), what-extensions.php (+1 -1), what-forum.php (+2 -2), what-list_country.php (+1 -1), what-list_task.php (+2 -2), what-list_unconfirmed.php (+2 -2), what-send_bonus.php (+1 -1), what-sub_points.php (+3 -3)
quixy 2005-08-27 18:35 Rev.: 2827

*** empty log message ***

7 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: what-admins_edit.php (+3 -3), what-admins_mails.php (+1 -1), what-del_user.php (+3 -3)
quixy 2005-08-27 18:29 Rev.: 2825

*** empty log message ***

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: what-config_bonus.php (+1 -1)
quixy 2005-08-23 20:00 Rev.: 2807

*** empty log message ***

48 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: what-del_email.php (+48 -56)
quixy 2005-08-23 19:39 Rev.: 2803

*** empty log message ***

4 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: what-repair_cats.php (+4 -2)
quixy 2005-08-23 19:15 Rev.: 2801

*** empty log message ***

44 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/html/inc/modules/admin: what-list_refs.php (+44 -28)

(299 more)

Generated by StatSVN 0.7.0