Directory branches/maintainer/0.2.1-stelzi/Rev1645/inc/language/

Directory Deleted:
2011-03-10 14:40
Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:


Lines of Code

branches/maintainer/0.2.1-stelzi/Rev1645/inc/language/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
quix0r 154 (100.0%) 51 (100.0%) 0.3

Most Recent Commits

quix0r 2011-03-10 14:40 Rev.: 5476

Attempt to delete all directories of ex-maintainer

0 lines of code changed in 52 files:

  • branches/maintainer/0.2.1-stelzi/Rev1645/inc/language: .htaccess (del), _de.php (del), active_de.php (del), admins_de.php (del), autopurge_de.php (del), bank_de.php (del), beg_de.php (del), birthday_de.php (del), bonus_de.php (del), booking_de.php (del), cache_de.php (del), country_de.php (del), de.php (del), debug_de.php (del), doubler_de.php (del), en.php (del), holiday_de.php (del), html_mail_de.php (del), imprint_de.php (del), install_de.php (del), logs_de.php (del), mailid_de.php (del), maintenance_de.php (del), mediadata_de.php (del), menu_de.php (del), mods_de.php (del), network_de.php (del), newsletter_de.php (del), nickname_de.php (del), online_de.php (del), optimize_de.php (del), order_de.php (del), other_de.php (del), payout_de.php (del), primera_de.php (del), rallye_de.php (del), refback_de.php (del), register_de.php (del), removeip_de.php (del), repair_de.php (del), rewrite_de.php (del), sponsor_de.php (del), support_de.php (del), surfbar_de.php (del), task_de.php (del), theme_de.php (del), top10_de.php (del), transfer_de.php (del), usage_de.php (del), user_de.php (del), wernis_de.php (del), yoomedia_de.php (del)
quix0r 2010-09-14 15:21 Rev.: 5324

SVN properties globally set

51 lines of code changed in 102 files:

  • branches/maintainer/0.2.1-stelzi/Rev1645/inc/language: _de.php (+1), active_de.php (+1), admins_de.php (+1), autopurge_de.php (new), bank_de.php (+1), beg_de.php (+1), birthday_de.php (new), bonus_de.php (+1), booking_de.php (new), cache_de.php (+1), country_de.php (+1), de.php (new), debug_de.php (+1), doubler_de.php (+1), en.php (+1), holiday_de.php (+1), html_mail_de.php (new), imprint_de.php (new), install_de.php (new), logs_de.php (+1), mailid_de.php (new), maintenance_de.php (new), mediadata_de.php (+1), menu_de.php (+1), mods_de.php (new), network_de.php (new), newsletter_de.php (+1), nickname_de.php (new), online_de.php (new), optimize_de.php (new), order_de.php (+1), other_de.php (new), payout_de.php (new), primera_de.php (new), rallye_de.php (+1), refback_de.php (+1), register_de.php (+1), removeip_de.php (new), repair_de.php (new), rewrite_de.php (+1), sponsor_de.php (new), support_de.php (+1), surfbar_de.php (new), task_de.php (+1), theme_de.php (+1), top10_de.php (new), transfer_de.php (+1), usage_de.php (new), user_de.php (new), wernis_de.php (+1), yoomedia_de.php (+1)
Generated by StatSVN 0.7.0