Directory branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions/

Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:

                    directory in repo admins (2 files, 326 lines)
                    directory in repo autopurge (2 files, 238 lines)
                    directory in repo beg (2 files, 316 lines)
                    directory in repo bonus (2 files, 597 lines)
                    directory in repo doubler (3 files, 283 lines)
                    directory in repo forced (2 files, 154 lines)
                    directory in repo grade (2 files, 112 lines)
                    directory in repo holiday (2 files, 177 lines)
                    directory in repo html_mail (2 files, 116 lines)
                    directory in repo network (2 files, 12243 lines)
                    directory in repo order (2 files, 371 lines)
                    directory in repo other (2 files, 238 lines)
                    directory in repo payout (2 files, 202 lines)
                    directory in repo rallye (2 files, 256 lines)
                    directory in repo register (2 files, 380 lines)
                    directory in repo sponsor (2 files, 371 lines)
                    directory in repo sql_patches (3 files, 1057 lines)
                    directory in repo surfbar (2 files, 214 lines)
                    directory in repo task (2 files, 220 lines)
                    directory in repo transaction (2 files, 45 lines)
                    directory in repo transfer (3 files, 298 lines)
                    directory in repo user (4 files, 814 lines)
                    directory in repo wernis (2 files, 141 lines)

Lines of Code

branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 5278 (100.0%) 69485 (100.0%) 13.1
quix0r 5268 (99.8%) 69470 (100.0%) 13.1
root 5 (0.1%) 15 (0.0%) 3.0
quixy 5 (0.1%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Most Recent Commits

quix0r 2014-02-02 01:48 Rev.: 6442

moved for svn-git switch

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-sql_patches.php (+2 -2)
quix0r 2013-09-01 21:13 Rev.: 6437

Rewrote 2 str_replace() calls to one with array()

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-wernis.php (+3 -2)
quix0r 2013-07-31 02:34 Rev.: 6427

Continued with registration provider:
- Added a lot filter for both ext-register/wernis to handle (partly finished)
registration requests and forms
- Add config entry (currently not changeable in web interface) for default
registration and login provider

18 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-register.php (+7 -2), ext-user.php (+2 -2), ext-wernis.php (+9 -58)
quix0r 2013-07-30 08:21 Rev.: 6425

Updated domain without a dash :(

4 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-register.php (+2 -2), ext-user.php (+2 -2)
quix0r 2013-07-30 00:26 Rev.: 6423

Rewrote some parts:
- more double quotes converted to single (speed up)
- introduced isThemeReadable()
- Other minor rewrites

91 lines of code changed in 86 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-active.php (+1 -1), ext-admins.php (+1 -1), ext-admintheme1.php (+1 -1), ext-admintheme_default.php (+1 -1), ext-alert.php (+1 -1), ext-announcement.php (+1 -1), ext-autopurge.php (+1 -1), ext-autoreg.php (+1 -1), ext-bank.php (+1 -1), ext-beg.php (+1 -1), ext-birthday.php (+1 -1), ext-bitcoins.php (+1 -1), ext-blacklist.php (+1 -1), ext-bonus.php (+1 -1), ext-booking.php (+1 -1), ext-cache.php (+1 -1), ext-clickbanner.php (+1 -1), ext-country.php (+1 -1), ext-coupon.php (+1 -1), ext-cprping.php (+1 -1), ext-cron.php (+1 -1), ext-currency.php (+1 -1), ext-debug.php (+1 -1), ext-demo.php (+1 -1), ext-doubler.php (+1 -1), ext-earning.php (+1 -1), ext-events.php (+1 -1), ext-forced.php (+1 -1), ext-geoip.php (+1 -1), ext-grade.php (+1 -1), ext-holiday.php (+1 -1), ext-html_mail.php (+1 -1), ext-imprint.php (+1 -1), ext-jackpot.php (+1 -1), ext-lead.php (+1 -1), ext-logs.php (+1 -1), ext-mailid.php (+1 -1), ext-maintenance.php (+1 -1), ext-mediadata.php (+1 -1), ext-menu.php (+1 -1), ext-mods.php (+1 -1), ext-mydata.php (+1 -1), ext-network.php (+1 -1), ext-newsletter.php (+1 -1), ext-nickname.php (+1 -1), ext-online.php (+1 -1), ext-optimize.php (+1 -1), ext-order.php (+1 -1), ext-other.php (+1 -1), ext-partner.php (+1 -1), ext-payout.php (+1 -1), ext-politician-stop.php (+1 -1), ext-profile.php (+1 -1), ext-rallye.php (+1 -1), ext-ranking.php (+1 -1), ext-refback.php (+1 -1), ext-refsell.php (+1 -1), ext-register.php (+1 -1), ext-removeip.php (+1 -1), ext-repair.php (+1 -1), ext-report.php (+1 -1), ext-rewrite.php (+1 -1), ext-safe.php (+1 -1), ext-seo.php (+1 -1), ext-shredder.php (+1 -1), ext-signup.php (+1 -1), ext-sponsor.php (+1 -1), ext-sql_patches.php (+1 -1), ext-support.php (+1 -1), ext-surfbar.php (+1 -1), ext-task.php (+1 -1), ext-teams.php (+1 -1), ext-terms.php (+1 -1), ext-theme.php (+1 -1), ext-timezone.php (+1 -1), ext-top10.php (+1 -1), ext-transaction.php (+1 -1), ext-transfer.php (+1 -1), ext-uberwach.php (+1 -1), ext-update.php (+1 -1), ext-usage.php (+1 -1), ext-user.php (+1 -1), ext-validator.php (+1 -1), ext-wernis.php (+6 -1), ext-yacy.php (+1 -1), ext-yoomedia.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-06-04 13:45 Rev.: 6403

Project continued:
- Added more functions for ext-grade
- Fixesd XML template for ext-grade
- Added missing language element
- Swapped out 'setup' phase for ext-grade
- Added more asserts
- Various other fixes

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-grade.php (-60)
quix0r 2013-06-01 18:17 Rev.: 6399

Renamed templates + added some filters for mail order

22 lines of code changed in 6 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-holiday.php (+4 -2), ext-html_mail.php (+3 -65), ext-refback.php (+1), ext-rewrite.php (+4 -4), ext-sql_patches.php (+2 -2), ext-user.php (+8 -2)
quix0r 2013-05-31 09:01 Rev.: 6395

Removed double-update (0.2.1) for ext-doubler as it caused SQL error (which needs fixing anyway)

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-doubler.php (+2 -2)
quix0r 2013-05-31 08:49 Rev.: 6394

Rewrote many parts:
- "Generic" filter splitted up and move to html_mail_filter.php as this filter will only work with ext-html_mail
- ext-holiday does now register a filter on user_exclusion_sql which allows to remove some "static" if() blocks
- Other minor fixes

9 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-holiday.php (+5 -120), ext-html_mail.php (+4)
quix0r 2013-05-28 13:52 Rev.: 6391

Fixes for SQL error + missing config

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-profile.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-05-27 14:37 Rev.: 6389

Heacy rewrite/cleanup:
- Removed all deprecated files (with only @DEPRECATED in it)
- Listing of blacklist entries added (may be uncomplete, untested)
- Fixed AJAX installer + added first admin registration to it
- Prepared better CAPTCHA support
- Various other fixes (tons!)
- TODOs.txt updated

252 lines of code changed in 26 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-admins.php (-279), ext-autopurge.php (-191), ext-bank.php (+1 -1), ext-beg.php (-275), ext-blacklist.php (+4), ext-doubler.php (+6 -192), ext-forced.php (+3 -110), ext-grade.php (+1 -1), ext-holiday.php (+1 -1), ext-html_mail.php (+15 -2), ext-order.php (+7 -2), ext-other.php (-191), ext-payout.php (-140), ext-rallye.php (-209), ext-ranking.php (new 102), ext-register.php (-1), ext-removeip.php (+1 -1), ext-rewrite.php (+2 -2), ext-sql_patches.php (+2 -2), ext-surfbar.php (-167), ext-task.php (-173), ext-timezone.php (+1 -5), ext-top10.php (+3), ext-transaction.php (new 101), ext-transfer.php (-205), ext-yoomedia.php (+2 -2)
quix0r 2013-05-04 02:14 Rev.: 6388

Since Wernis API 0.6-BETA SHA256 is the default now

9 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-wernis.php (+9 -2)
quix0r 2013-03-06 01:24 Rev.: 6378

Renamed all SQL-related functions to camel-case notation

3 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-mydata.php (+1 -1), ext-rewrite.php (+2 -2)
quix0r 2013-01-24 20:07 Rev.: 6368

Also update copyright in these files

2 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-shredder.php (+1 -1), ext-signup.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-01-24 19:51 Rev.: 6367

Updated copyright notice as there are changes in this year

84 lines of code changed in 83 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext- (+1 -1), ext-active.php (+1 -1), ext-admins.php (+1 -1), ext-admintheme1.php (+1 -1), ext-admintheme_default.php (+1 -1), ext-alert.php (+1 -1), ext-announcement.php (+1 -1), ext-autopurge.php (+1 -1), ext-autoreg.php (+1 -1), ext-bank.php (+1 -1), ext-beg.php (+1 -1), ext-birthday.php (+1 -1), ext-bitcoins.php (+1 -1), ext-blacklist.php (+2 -2), ext-bonus.php (+1 -1), ext-booking.php (+1 -1), ext-cache.php (+1 -1), ext-clickbanner.php (+1 -1), ext-country.php (+1 -1), ext-coupon.php (+1 -1), ext-cprping.php (+1 -1), ext-cron.php (+1 -1), ext-currency.php (+1 -1), ext-debug.php (+1 -1), ext-demo.php (+1 -1), ext-doubler.php (+1 -1), ext-earning.php (+1 -1), ext-events.php (+1 -1), ext-forced.php (+1 -1), ext-geoip.php (+1 -1), ext-grade.php (+1 -1), ext-holiday.php (+1 -1), ext-html_mail.php (+1 -1), ext-imprint.php (+1 -1), ext-jackpot.php (+1 -1), ext-lead.php (+1 -1), ext-logs.php (+1 -1), ext-mailid.php (+1 -1), ext-maintenance.php (+1 -1), ext-mediadata.php (+1 -1), ext-menu.php (+1 -1), ext-mods.php (+1 -1), ext-mydata.php (+1 -1), ext-network.php (+1 -1), ext-newsletter.php (+1 -1), ext-nickname.php (+1 -1), ext-online.php (+1 -1), ext-optimize.php (+1 -1), ext-order.php (+1 -1), ext-other.php (+1 -1), ext-partner.php (+1 -1), ext-payout.php (+1 -1), ext-politician-stop.php (+1 -1), ext-profile.php (+1 -1), ext-rallye.php (+1 -1), ext-refback.php (+1 -1), ext-refsell.php (+1 -1), ext-register.php (+1 -1), ext-removeip.php (+1 -1), ext-repair.php (+1 -1), ext-report.php (+1 -1), ext-rewrite.php (+1 -1), ext-safe.php (+1 -1), ext-seo.php (+1 -1), ext-sponsor.php (+1 -1), ext-sql_patches.php (+1 -1), ext-support.php (+1 -1), ext-surfbar.php (+1 -1), ext-task.php (+1 -1), ext-teams.php (+1 -1), ext-terms.php (+1 -1), ext-theme.php (+1 -1), ext-timezone.php (+1 -1), ext-top10.php (+1 -1), ext-transfer.php (+1 -1), ext-uberwach.php (+1 -1), ext-update.php (+1 -1), ext-usage.php (+1 -1), ext-user.php (+1 -1), ext-validator.php (+1 -1), ext-wernis.php (+1 -1), ext-yacy.php (+1 -1), ext-yoomedia.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-01-23 18:33 Rev.: 6360

Continued with ext-blacklist:
- Blacklisting of IP addresses now possible (with pattern as for all)
- Resorted ext-blacklist library, added new functions for IP blacklisting
- TODOs.txt updated

5 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-blacklist.php (+5)
quix0r 2013-01-23 17:55 Rev.: 6359

Rewrote new extension detection:
- Updated new extension detection (and task registration) so that it won't use
so much database space anymore as this only adds a place-holder (see below)
- Added OPEN/CLOSE_TEMPLATE for {% and %}
- TODOs.txt updated

16 lines of code changed in 6 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext- (+1 -1), ext-alert.php (+1 -1), ext-beg.php (+11 -3), ext-cprping.php (+1 -1), ext-cron.php (+1 -1), ext-surfbar.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-01-23 17:36 Rev.: 6358

Fixes and other improvements

8 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-blacklist.php (+8 -8)
quix0r 2013-01-23 02:10 Rev.: 6347

More rewrites to configuration:
- Moved more configuration entries from tables.sql to proper extensions
- Moved some configuration from/to ext-other to/from ext-foo
- Swapped out 'update' step for ext-register
- TODOs.txt updated

27 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-autopurge.php (+10 -2), ext-order.php (+2 -2), ext-other.php (+11 -2), ext-profile.php (+2), ext-register.php (+2 -284)
quix0r 2013-01-22 22:26 Rev.: 6342

Better only check on daily reset

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-transfer.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-01-22 22:24 Rev.: 6341

Rewrote reset and some extensions:
- Rewrote script reset that weekly and monthly are now separated out from daily
- Rewrote ext-profile/order to handle their own configuration entries (were all
in ext-other)
- Moved large 'update' block for ext-order out to
- TODOs.txt updated

23 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-order.php (+2 -295), ext-profile.php (+19 -6), ext-sql_patches.php (+2 -2)
quix0r 2013-01-21 21:27 Rev.: 6340

Extension ext-blacklist continued:
- Added check in ext-register/mydata to check for email address
- Added filters for above check + unfinsihed logging
- TODOs.txt updated

17 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-blacklist.php (+17 -4)
quix0r 2013-01-21 20:25 Rev.: 6339

Introduced new extension ext-blacklist:
- Extracted new extension ext-blacklist from aldready existing functions, as
this should become a more generic black-/white listing feature
- TODOs.txt updated

127 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-blacklist.php (new 117), ext-order.php (+10 -14)
quix0r 2013-01-17 03:20 Rev.: 6334

Typos fixed + keep fake modules hidden

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-network.php (+2 -2)
quix0r 2013-01-17 03:07 Rev.: 6332

Added fake modules

8 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-beg.php (-2), ext-network.php (+8 -2)
quix0r 2013-01-17 02:54 Rev.: 6330

Please find all these as they currently cause missing SQL columns if they are not renamed to new name

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-other.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-01-17 02:33 Rev.: 6326

Forgot this to rename

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-beg.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-01-17 02:16 Rev.: 6323

Typos fixed

3 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-mydata.php (+1 -1), ext-other.php (+1 -1), ext-register.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-01-14 21:13 Rev.: 6314

Extension ext-network continued:
- Network 'Werbeflut' added
- Prepared for Delete-URL feature
- TODOs.txt updated

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-network.php (-1)
quix0r 2013-01-14 01:16 Rev.: 6310

Some major rewrites + ext-network continued:
- A lot more advertising network added (GolloX is still missing)
- Renamed extension mode 'register' to 'setup' to have no conflicting file names
- Large extension modes (a lot code) can now be swapped out to "mode" files,
see inc/extensions/foo/mode-bar.php for them. These mode-files will be loaded
after the main include has been loaded
- TODOs.txt updated

107 lines of code changed in 84 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext- (+1 -1), ext-active.php (+1 -1), ext-admins.php (+1 -1), ext-admintheme1.php (+1 -1), ext-admintheme_default.php (+1 -1), ext-alert.php (+1 -1), ext-announcement.php (+1 -1), ext-autopurge.php (+1 -1), ext-autoreg.php (+1 -1), ext-bank.php (+1 -1), ext-beg.php (+1 -1), ext-birthday.php (+1 -1), ext-bitcoins.php (+1 -1), ext-bonus.php (+2 -552), ext-booking.php (+1 -1), ext-cache.php (+1 -1), ext-clickbanner.php (+1 -1), ext-country.php (+1 -1), ext-coupon.php (+1 -1), ext-cprping.php (+1 -1), ext-cron.php (+1 -1), ext-currency.php (+1 -1), ext-debug.php (+1 -1), ext-demo.php (+1 -1), ext-doubler.php (+1 -1), ext-earning.php (+1 -1), ext-events.php (+1 -1), ext-forced.php (+14 -1), ext-geoip.php (+1 -1), ext-grade.php (+1 -1), ext-holiday.php (+1 -1), ext-html_mail.php (+1 -1), ext-imprint.php (+1 -1), ext-jackpot.php (+1 -1), ext-lead.php (+1 -1), ext-logs.php (+1 -1), ext-mailid.php (+1 -1), ext-maintenance.php (+1 -1), ext-mediadata.php (+1 -1), ext-menu.php (+1 -1), ext-mods.php (+1 -1), ext-mydata.php (+1 -1), ext-network.php (+2 -8679), ext-newsletter.php (+1 -1), ext-nickname.php (+1 -1), ext-online.php (+1 -1), ext-optimize.php (+1 -1), ext-order.php (+1 -1), ext-other.php (+1 -1), ext-partner.php (+1 -1), ext-payout.php (+1 -1), ext-politician-stop.php (+1 -1), ext-profile.php (+3 -5), ext-rallye.php (+1 -1), ext-refback.php (+1 -1), ext-refsell.php (+1 -1), ext-register.php (+1 -1), ext-removeip.php (+1 -1), ext-repair.php (+1 -1), ext-report.php (+1 -1), ext-rewrite.php (+1 -1), ext-safe.php (+1 -1), ext-seo.php (+1 -1), ext-shredder.php (+1 -1), ext-signup.php (+1 -1), ext-sponsor.php (+2 -325), ext-sql_patches.php (+3 -934), ext-support.php (+1 -1), ext-surfbar.php (+1 -1), ext-task.php (+1 -1), ext-teams.php (+1 -1), ext-terms.php (+1 -1), ext-theme.php (+1 -1), ext-timezone.php (+1 -1), ext-top10.php (+1 -1), ext-transfer.php (+1 -1), ext-uberwach.php (+1 -1), ext-update.php (+1 -1), ext-usage.php (+1 -1), ext-user.php (+4 -626), ext-validator.php (+1 -1), ext-wernis.php (+1 -1), ext-yacy.php (+1 -1), ext-yoomedia.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-01-12 12:12 Rev.: 6309

Extension ext-network continued:
- Added optional 'VisualPayCheck' parameter for API configuration
- Added network 'ProAdverty'
- TODOs.txt updated

180 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-network.php (+180 -7)
quix0r 2013-01-12 07:28 Rev.: 6307

Requires business card for payout :(

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-network.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-01-12 07:25 Rev.: 6306

Better checks + always return FALSE on abort

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-debug.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-01-12 07:16 Rev.: 6305

Extension ext-network continued:
- Added basic data for GolloX
- Added network Giga-Ad
- Corrected some wrong BID to CID were no banner is used
- Added v1/v2 to click URLs of all (?) supported networks
- TODOs.txt updated

395 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-network.php (+395 -127)
quix0r 2013-01-10 05:29 Rev.: 6298

Theoretical working merge of mailid.php and mailid_top.php into mailid.php + a couple of call-back functions

12 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-bonus.php (+5 -2), ext-mailid.php (+7 -7)
quix0r 2013-01-10 03:40 Rev.: 6297

Filters for configurable userid exclusion added:
- Rewrote some if() blocks to a filter to exclude configured userids, if set
- Closed internal TODO (see above)
- Added SQL columns/aliases/table names in back-ticks (missed some)
- TODOs.txt updated

46 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-beg.php (+11 -2), ext-bonus.php (+11 -2), ext-doubler.php (+13 -2), ext-sql_patches.php (+11 -2)
quix0r 2013-01-10 01:23 Rev.: 6294

Better report this instead of silent logging

108 lines of code changed in 84 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext- (+1 -1), ext-active.php (+1 -1), ext-admins.php (+1 -1), ext-admintheme1.php (+3 -3), ext-admintheme_default.php (+3 -3), ext-alert.php (+1 -1), ext-announcement.php (+1 -1), ext-autopurge.php (+1 -1), ext-autoreg.php (+1 -1), ext-bank.php (+1 -1), ext-beg.php (+1 -1), ext-birthday.php (+3 -3), ext-bitcoins.php (+1 -1), ext-bonus.php (+1 -1), ext-booking.php (+1 -1), ext-cache.php (+1 -1), ext-clickbanner.php (+1 -1), ext-country.php (+1 -1), ext-coupon.php (+1 -1), ext-cprping.php (+1 -1), ext-cron.php (+1 -1), ext-currency.php (+1 -1), ext-debug.php (+1 -1), ext-demo.php (+2 -2), ext-doubler.php (+1 -1), ext-earning.php (+1 -1), ext-events.php (+1 -1), ext-forced.php (+1 -1), ext-geoip.php (+1 -1), ext-grade.php (+1 -1), ext-holiday.php (+1 -1), ext-html_mail.php (+1 -1), ext-imprint.php (+1 -1), ext-jackpot.php (+1 -1), ext-lead.php (+1 -1), ext-logs.php (+1 -1), ext-mailid.php (+1 -1), ext-maintenance.php (+4 -4), ext-mediadata.php (+1 -1), ext-menu.php (+1 -1), ext-mods.php (+1 -1), ext-mydata.php (+1 -1), ext-network.php (+1 -1), ext-newsletter.php (+1 -1), ext-nickname.php (+1 -1), ext-online.php (+1 -1), ext-optimize.php (+4 -5), ext-order.php (+1 -1), ext-other.php (+2 -2), ext-partner.php (+1 -1), ext-payout.php (+1 -1), ext-politician-stop.php (+1 -1), ext-profile.php (+1 -1), ext-rallye.php (+1 -1), ext-refback.php (+1 -1), ext-refsell.php (+1 -1), ext-register.php (+1 -1), ext-removeip.php (+1 -1), ext-repair.php (+1 -1), ext-report.php (+1 -1), ext-rewrite.php (+1 -1), ext-safe.php (+3 -3), ext-seo.php (+1 -1), ext-shredder.php (+1 -1), ext-signup.php (+1 -1), ext-sponsor.php (+1 -1), ext-sql_patches.php (+1 -1), ext-support.php (+1 -1), ext-surfbar.php (+1 -1), ext-task.php (+1 -1), ext-teams.php (+1 -1), ext-terms.php (+1 -1), ext-theme.php (+1 -1), ext-timezone.php (+1 -1), ext-top10.php (+4 -4), ext-transfer.php (+1 -1), ext-uberwach.php (+1 -1), ext-update.php (+1 -1), ext-usage.php (+3 -3), ext-user.php (+1 -1), ext-validator.php (+1 -1), ext-wernis.php (+1 -1), ext-yacy.php (+1 -1), ext-yoomedia.php (+4 -5)
quix0r 2013-01-09 06:14 Rev.: 6285

Introduced padLeftZero()

4 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-bonus.php (+4 -4)
quix0r 2013-01-09 02:49 Rev.: 6284

Extension ext-network continued:
- Fixed a lot array indexes (27->41)
- Added advertising network 'Crystall' (only Klammlose)
- Internal TODO closed: All api_2.php scripts with parameter "&vc=" are sending
8 array elements, but 7th is empty if not used
- TODOs.txt updated

264 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-network.php (+264 -49)
quix0r 2013-01-08 19:45 Rev.: 6281

Fixes for 'click URL' and weltpromotion rename

43 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/extensions: ext-network.php (+43 -43)

(688 more)

Generated by StatSVN 0.7.0