Directory branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/

Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:

                Folder removed from repo .secret (0 files, 0 lines)
                directory in repo ajax (4 files, 922 lines)
                directory in repo autopurge (2 files, 4 lines)
                directory in repo cache (1 files, 1 lines)
                    directory in repo _compiled (1 files, 1 lines)
                        directory in repo email (1 files, 1 lines)
                        Folder removed from repo emails (0 files, 0 lines)
                        directory in repo html (1 files, 1 lines)
                        Folder removed from repo templates (0 files, 0 lines)
                        directory in repo xml (1 files, 1 lines)
                    Folder removed from repo templates (0 files, 0 lines)
                directory in repo classes (5 files, 2413 lines)
                directory in repo daily (16 files, 1278 lines)
                directory in repo db (4 files, 854 lines)
                directory in repo debug (2 files, 45 lines)
                    directory in repo client (1 files, 1 lines)
                    directory in repo relay (1 files, 1 lines)
                    directory in repo server (1 files, 1 lines)
                directory in repo extensions (88 files, 11055 lines)
                    directory in repo admins (2 files, 326 lines)
                    directory in repo autopurge (2 files, 238 lines)
                    directory in repo beg (2 files, 316 lines)
                    directory in repo bonus (2 files, 597 lines)
                    directory in repo doubler (3 files, 283 lines)
                    directory in repo forced (2 files, 154 lines)
                    directory in repo grade (2 files, 112 lines)
                    directory in repo holiday (2 files, 177 lines)
                    directory in repo html_mail (2 files, 116 lines)
                    directory in repo network (2 files, 12243 lines)
                    directory in repo order (2 files, 371 lines)
                    directory in repo other (2 files, 238 lines)
                    directory in repo payout (2 files, 202 lines)
                    directory in repo rallye (2 files, 256 lines)
                    directory in repo register (2 files, 380 lines)
                    directory in repo sponsor (2 files, 371 lines)
                    directory in repo sql_patches (3 files, 1057 lines)
                    directory in repo surfbar (2 files, 214 lines)
                    directory in repo task (2 files, 220 lines)
                    directory in repo transaction (2 files, 45 lines)
                    directory in repo transfer (3 files, 298 lines)
                    directory in repo user (4 files, 814 lines)
                    directory in repo wernis (2 files, 141 lines)
                directory in repo filter (32 files, 3298 lines)
                directory in repo hourly (3 files, 173 lines)
                directory in repo img (4 files, 111 lines)
                directory in repo install (10 files, 579 lines)
                directory in repo jobs (2 files, 57 lines)
                directory in repo js (11 files, 519 lines)
                directory in repo language (63 files, 7628 lines)
                directory in repo libs (54 files, 18880 lines)
                directory in repo loader (16 files, 1430 lines)
                directory in repo mails (5 files, 543 lines)
                directory in repo modules (9 files, 936 lines)
                    directory in repo admin (195 files, 23163 lines)
                    directory in repo guest (30 files, 3124 lines)
                    directory in repo member (61 files, 7273 lines)
                    directory in repo sponsor (7 files, 525 lines)
                directory in repo monthly (6 files, 400 lines)
                directory in repo phpmailer (7 files, 4508 lines)
                    directory in repo docs (5 files, 299 lines)
                    directory in repo examples (8 files, 289 lines)
                        directory in repo images (4 files, 0 lines)
                    directory in repo language (26 files, 568 lines)
                    directory in repo phpdoc (8 files, 1616 lines)
                        directory in repo PHPMailer (4 files, 2329 lines)
                        directory in repo media (2 files, 165 lines)
                    directory in repo test (3 files, 948 lines)
                directory in repo pool (4 files, 628 lines)
                directory in repo purge (9 files, 856 lines)
                directory in repo reset (2 files, 4 lines)
                directory in repo weekly (3 files, 118 lines)
                directory in repo yearly (2 files, 59 lines)

Lines of Code

branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 4959 (100.0%) 78461 (100.0%) 15.8
quix0r 4945 (99.7%) 78402 (99.9%) 15.8
root 11 (0.2%) 59 (0.1%) 5.3
quixy 3 (0.1%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Most Recent Commits

quix0r 2013-10-07 19:29 Rev.: 6438

Fixed handling of SQL strings

9 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: functions.php (+1 -1), sql-functions.php (+8 -3)
quix0r 2013-09-01 21:13 Rev.: 6437

Rewrote 2 str_replace() calls to one with array()

27 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: functions.php (+4 -1), install-functions.php (+1 -2), wrapper-functions.php (+22)
quix0r 2013-08-05 21:18 Rev.: 6436

Some cleanups/improvements

33 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: functions.php (+33 -18)
quix0r 2013-07-31 11:54 Rev.: 6432

Rewrote some code, added templates/functions:
- Introduced return(Error)Message() functions
- Added template for choosing registration provider
- Added template helper which reads all activated registration provider
- Other improvements

19 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: extensions-functions.php (+1 -1), install-functions.php (+1 -1), template-functions.php (+17 -5)
quix0r 2013-07-31 03:02 Rev.: 6431

Reverted last commit, was not possible as filter chains can run within filter chains

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: filter-functions.php (-8)
quix0r 2013-07-31 03:00 Rev.: 6430

Asserts + TODO added

8 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: filter-functions.php (+8)
quix0r 2013-07-31 02:58 Rev.: 6429

Introduced interruptFilterChain() and continueFilterChain(). Please DO ALWAYS use thse functions instead of directly setting the global array element

15 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: filter-functions.php (+15 -3)
quix0r 2013-07-30 21:56 Rev.: 6426

Opps :(

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: wrapper-functions.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-07-30 00:26 Rev.: 6423

Rewrote some parts:
- more double quotes converted to single (speed up)
- introduced isThemeReadable()
- Other minor rewrites

42 lines of code changed in 9 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: config-functions.php (+1 -1), expression-functions.php (+1 -1), extensions-functions.php (+6 -6), fix_menu.php (+1 -1), functions.php (+24 -12), handler.php (+1 -1), mysql-manager.php (+3 -3), template-functions.php (+2 -2), wrapper-functions.php (+3 -3)
quix0r 2013-07-29 23:47 Rev.: 6419

Some fixes:
- added default value for optional parameter (better understanding)
- some double quotes converted to single
- fixes for Wernis API

5 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: functions.php (+2 -2), http-functions.php (+1 -1), template-functions.php (+2 -2)
quix0r 2013-07-29 23:04 Rev.: 6418

Better use isValidSqlLink() (driver-dependent) than is_resource() which worked only with now deprecated MySQL extension

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: sql-functions.php (+3 -3)
quix0r 2013-07-03 10:38 Rev.: 6416

Fix for missing isValidSqlLink() when no database layer has been loaded. This function depends on the layer because the MySQLi extension uses objects and the (deprecated) MySQL extension resources

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: sql-functions.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-06-22 04:19 Rev.: 6413

More double-quotes to single-quotes

8 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: email-functions.php (+1 -1), extensions-functions.php (+5 -5), mysql-manager.php (+2 -2)
quix0r 2013-06-20 21:43 Rev.: 6408

Opps, old variable here

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: template-functions.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-06-12 04:20 Rev.: 6406

Removed @deprecated from CSS inline/PHP output

24 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: stylesheet.php (+2 -2), template-functions.php (+22)
quix0r 2013-06-12 02:10 Rev.: 6405

MySQLi support added (very basic):
- Added very basic MySQLi module as MySQL extension is becoming deprecated
- Module for listing network API cache added
- Other minor fixes to get MySQLi working

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: sql-functions.php (+3 -3)
quix0r 2013-06-04 13:45 Rev.: 6403

Project continued:
- Added more functions for ext-grade
- Fixesd XML template for ext-grade
- Added missing language element
- Swapped out 'setup' phase for ext-grade
- Added more asserts
- Various other fixes

80 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: callback-functions.php (+23 -10), functions.php (+7 -1), mysql-manager.php (+47 -2), template-functions.php (+3)
quix0r 2013-06-01 18:17 Rev.: 6399

Renamed templates + added some filters for mail order

8 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: extensions-functions.php (+7 -7), xml-functions.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-06-01 10:26 Rev.: 6398

Language string cleaned up

12 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: template-functions.php (+12 -12)
quix0r 2013-06-01 09:44 Rev.: 6397

Some fixes:
- On some places the old loader 'load-them.php' was referenced
- Some columns were not renamed on installation phase. Please re-install (here) ext-bonus
- Minor other fixes

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: functions.php (+2 -2)
quix0r 2013-05-31 18:18 Rev.: 6396

Removed 2nd parameter for assert() as this is only available in PHP 5.4.8+ but Mailer 0.2.1-FINAL should support PHP 4

29 lines of code changed in 7 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: extensions-functions.php (+15 -15), functions.php (+6 -6), http-functions.php (+1 -1), pool-functions.php (+1 -1), sql-functions.php (+1 -1), wrapper-functions.php (+3 -3), xml-functions.php (+2 -2)
quix0r 2013-05-31 08:49 Rev.: 6394

Rewrote many parts:
- "Generic" filter splitted up and move to html_mail_filter.php as this filter will only work with ext-html_mail
- ext-holiday does now register a filter on user_exclusion_sql which allows to remove some "static" if() blocks
- Other minor fixes

2 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: filter-functions.php (+2 -5), filters.php (-19), mysql-manager.php (-5)
quix0r 2013-05-30 19:48 Rev.: 6393

Fixes + asserts

90 lines of code changed in 15 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: ajax-functions.php (+1 -1), expression-functions.php (+1 -1), extensions-functions.php (+54 -3), filters.php (+2 -2), functions.php (+9 -9), gen_sql_patches.php (+1 -1), http-functions.php (+1 -1), mysql-manager.php (+3 -3), pool-functions.php (+1 -1), referral-functions.php (+4 -4), session-functions.php (+2 -2), session.php (+2 -2), sql-functions.php (+2 -2), wrapper-functions.php (+5 -5), xml-functions.php (+2 -2)
quix0r 2013-05-29 20:26 Rev.: 6392

Fixes for various bugs (e.g.: 'secret file could not be read', SQL error and more)

47 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: config-functions.php (+18 -12), filters.php (+15 -8), wrapper-functions.php (+14 -14)
quix0r 2013-05-27 14:37 Rev.: 6389

Heacy rewrite/cleanup:
- Removed all deprecated files (with only @DEPRECATED in it)
- Listing of blacklist entries added (may be uncomplete, untested)
- Fixed AJAX installer + added first admin registration to it
- Prepared better CAPTCHA support
- Various other fixes (tons!)
- TODOs.txt updated

748 lines of code changed in 47 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: ajax-functions.php (+4 -4), autopurge.php (del), birthday_mails.php (del), callback-functions.php (+23 -23), captcha-base.png (new 58), check-reset.php (del), code-functions.php (+1 -1), config-functions.php (+13 -12), config-local.php.dist (+3), doubler_send.php (del), email-functions.php (+1 -1), extensions-functions.php (+50 -40), extensions.php (del), fatal_errors.php (del), filter-functions.php (+23 -4), filters.php (+65 -26), fix_menu.php (+4 -4), functions.php (+81 -5), gen_sql_patches.php (+5 -3), hooks.php (del), http-functions.php (+2 -2), inc-functions.php (+1 -1), install-functions.php (+102 -9), install-inc.php (+2 -2), language-functions.php (+8 -8), language.php (del), load_config.php (+4 -4), load_extensions.php (del), module-functions.php (+10 -10), mysql-connect.php (+2 -2), mysql-manager.php (+31 -17), patch-system.php (del), pool-update.php (del), profile-updte.php (del), referral-functions.php (+22 -14), request-functions.php (+1 -1), revision-functions.php (+1 -1), security.php (del), sql-functions.php (+39 -19), sql_error.php (del), stats-functions.php (+3 -3), stats_bonus.php (del), stylesheet.php (+7 -7), template-functions.php (+59 -25), template.php (del), wrapper-functions.php (+115 -10), xml-functions.php (+8 -9)
quix0r 2013-05-04 02:14 Rev.: 6388

Since Wernis API 0.6-BETA SHA256 is the default now

16 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: functions.php (+16)
quix0r 2013-04-24 04:23 Rev.: 6387

Exclude directories now

2 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: functions.php (+1 -1), wrapper-functions.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-04-24 03:50 Rev.: 6386


11 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: functions.php (+11 -2)
quix0r 2013-04-24 03:47 Rev.: 6385

Allow to find files where file extension is not important

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: functions.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-04-24 00:42 Rev.: 6384

Added optional withPrefixSuffix parameter (sorry for becoming silent)

5 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: functions.php (+5 -1)
quix0r 2013-03-14 02:13 Rev.: 6381

Detect https and double-dot (port number)

11 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: http-functions.php (+10 -1), wrapper-functions.php (+1 -2)
quix0r 2013-03-09 17:29 Rev.: 6380

Support all extensions in link, too

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: template-functions.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-03-06 01:32 Rev.: 6379

Renamed more:
- F -> file (no shortened names)
- L -> line (same)
- Found some SQL_FOOBAR() in comments

59 lines of code changed in 8 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: config-functions.php (+1 -1), extensions-functions.php (+1 -1), filter-functions.php (+10 -10), filters.php (+1 -1), functions.php (+7 -7), referral-functions.php (+6 -6), sql-functions.php (+21 -21), template-functions.php (+12 -12)
quix0r 2013-03-06 01:24 Rev.: 6378

Renamed all SQL-related functions to camel-case notation

417 lines of code changed in 23 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: callback-functions.php (+1 -1), config-functions.php (+9 -9), extensions-functions.php (+32 -32), filter-functions.php (+4 -4), filters.php (+25 -25), fix_filters.php (+5 -5), fix_menu.php (+5 -5), fix_refsystem.php (+11 -11), fix_user_points.php (+8 -8), functions.php (+13 -13), gen_mediadata.php (+6 -6), http-functions.php (+3 -3), install-functions.php (+8 -8), module-functions.php (+17 -17), mysql-manager.php (+148 -148), pool-functions.php (+11 -11), referral-functions.php (+32 -32), request-functions.php (+10 -10), session-functions.php (+1 -1), sql-functions.php (+51 -51), stats-functions.php (+12 -12), template-functions.php (+1 -1), wrapper-functions.php (+4 -4)
quix0r 2013-02-15 16:42 Rev.: 6375

Why :(

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: template-functions.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-02-02 00:39 Rev.: 6374

Further fixes for all resets

61 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: filters.php (+37 -47), functions.php (+24)
quix0r 2013-01-24 19:51 Rev.: 6367

Updated copyright notice as there are changes in this year

47 lines of code changed in 46 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: ajax-functions.php (+1 -1), callback-functions.php (+1 -1), code-functions.php (+1 -1), config-functions.php (+1 -1), config-global.php (+2 -2), config-local.php.dist (+1 -1), databases.php (+1 -1), email-functions.php (+1 -1), expression-functions.php (+1 -1), extensions-functions.php (+1 -1), filter-functions.php (+1 -1), filters.php (+1 -1), fix_filters.php (+1 -1), fix_menu.php (+1 -1), fix_refsystem.php (+1 -1), fix_user_points.php (+1 -1), footer.php (+1 -1), functions.php (+1 -1), gen_mediadata.php (+1 -1), gen_sql_patches.php (+1 -1), handler.php (+1 -1), header.php (+1 -1), http-functions.php (+1 -1), inc-functions.php (+1 -1), install-functions.php (+1 -1), install-inc.php (+1 -1), language-functions.php (+1 -1), load_cache.php (+1 -1), load_config.php (+1 -1), math-functions.php (+1 -1), module-functions.php (+1 -1), mysql-connect.php (+1 -1), mysql-manager.php (+1 -1), pool-functions.php (+1 -1), referral-functions.php (+1 -1), request-functions.php (+1 -1), revision-functions.php (+1 -1), session-functions.php (+1 -1), session.php (+1 -1), sql-functions.php (+1 -1), stats-functions.php (+1 -1), stylesheet.php (+1 -1), template-functions.php (+1 -1), versions.php (+1 -1), wrapper-functions.php (+1 -1), xml-functions.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-01-23 21:39 Rev.: 6365

Mark as not found when array is closed

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: config-functions.php (+1)
quix0r 2013-01-23 21:37 Rev.: 6364

Use rebuildCache() instead of loadCacheFile()/removeCacheFile()

8 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: functions.php (+1), gen_sql_patches.php (+3 -6), mysql-manager.php (+4 -5)
quix0r 2013-01-23 19:20 Rev.: 6361

Added support for favicon.ico/gif/png in base path (very basic support)

80 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc: template-functions.php (+80 -61)

(1667 more)

Generated by StatSVN 0.7.0