Directory branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin/

Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:


Lines of Code

branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 9959 (100.0%) 78251 (100.0%) 7.8
quix0r 9904 (99.4%) 78173 (99.9%) 7.8
root 28 (0.3%) 78 (0.1%) 2.7
quixy 27 (0.3%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Most Recent Commits

quix0r 2013-09-01 21:13 Rev.: 6437

Rewrote 2 str_replace() calls to one with array()

25 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: what-config_wernis.php (+25 -15)
quix0r 2013-08-05 21:18 Rev.: 6436

Some cleanups/improvements

2 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: what-admins_mails.php (+1 -1), what-surfbar_stats.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-07-31 11:54 Rev.: 6432

Rewrote some code, added templates/functions:
- Introduced return(Error)Message() functions
- Added template for choosing registration provider
- Added template helper which reads all activated registration provider
- Other improvements

6 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: overview-inc.php (+1 -1), what-list_beg.php (+2 -2), what-list_bonus.php (+1 -1), what-list_sponsor_pay.php (+1 -1), what-list_unconfirmed.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-07-30 00:30 Rev.: 6424

Even more double->single converted

37 lines of code changed in 12 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: admin-inc.php (+5 -5), overview-inc.php (+3 -3), what-adminedit.php (+1 -1), what-config_points.php (+2 -2), what-edit_sponsor.php (+8 -4), what-email_details.php (+4 -4), what-list_links.php (+1 -1), what-list_network_array_translation.php (+4 -4), what-list_network_request_params.php (+1 -1), what-list_task.php (+2 -2), what-list_unconfirmed.php (+4 -4), what-theme_import.php (+2 -5)
quix0r 2013-07-30 00:26 Rev.: 6423

Rewrote some parts:
- more double quotes converted to single (speed up)
- introduced isThemeReadable()
- Other minor rewrites

20 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: what-list_yoomedia_tm.php (+1 -1), what-theme_edit.php (+19 -16)
quix0r 2013-07-29 23:47 Rev.: 6419

Some fixes:
- added default value for optional parameter (better understanding)
- some double quotes converted to single
- fixes for Wernis API

6 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: what-config_wernis.php (+4 -2), what-list_beg.php (+1 -1), what-list_bonus.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-06-22 04:19 Rev.: 6413

More double-quotes to single-quotes

39 lines of code changed in 33 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: action- (+1 -1), action-admins.php (+1 -1), action-bank.php (+1 -1), action-country.php (+1 -1), action-coupon.php (+1 -1), action-doubler.php (+2 -2), action-email.php (+1 -1), action-forced.php (+1 -1), action-grade.php (+1 -1), action-holiday.php (+1 -1), action-login.php (+1 -1), action-menu.php (+1 -1), action-misc.php (+1 -1), action-mods.php (+1 -1), action-network.php (+1 -1), action-newsletter.php (+1 -1), action-payouts.php (+1 -1), action-rallye.php (+1 -1), action-repair.php (+1 -1), action-setup.php (+1 -1), action-sponsor.php (+1 -1), action-stats.php (+1 -1), action-surfbar.php (+1 -1), action-task.php (+1 -1), action-theme.php (+1 -1), action-transfer.php (+1 -1), action-user.php (+1 -1), action-wernis.php (+1 -1), admin-inc.php (+3 -3), what-list_user_subid.php (+1 -1), what-logs.php (+1 -1), what-repair_lang.php (+1 -1), what-usage.php (+4 -4)
quix0r 2013-06-12 02:10 Rev.: 6405

MySQLi support added (very basic):
- Added very basic MySQLi module as MySQL extension is becoming deprecated
- Module for listing network API cache added
- Other minor fixes to get MySQLi working

55 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: what-list_network_api.php (new 55)
quix0r 2013-06-01 09:44 Rev.: 6397

Some fixes:
- On some places the old loader 'load-them.php' was referenced
- Some columns were not renamed on installation phase. Please re-install (here) ext-bonus
- Minor other fixes

2 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: what-theme_edit.php (+1 -1), what-theme_import.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-05-31 18:18 Rev.: 6396

Removed 2nd parameter for assert() as this is only available in PHP 5.4.8+ but Mailer 0.2.1-FINAL should support PHP 4

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: admin-inc.php (+2 -2)
quix0r 2013-05-31 08:49 Rev.: 6394

Rewrote many parts:
- "Generic" filter splitted up and move to html_mail_filter.php as this filter will only work with ext-html_mail
- ext-holiday does now register a filter on user_exclusion_sql which allows to remove some "static" if() blocks
- Other minor fixes

3 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: what-list_autopurge.php (+1 -6), what-list_user.php (+2 -2)
quix0r 2013-05-30 19:48 Rev.: 6393

Fixes + asserts

3 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: admin-inc.php (+2 -2), what-config_points.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-05-29 20:26 Rev.: 6392

Fixes for various bugs (e.g.: 'secret file could not be read', SQL error and more)

12 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: admin-inc.php (+12 -12)
quix0r 2013-05-27 14:37 Rev.: 6389

Heacy rewrite/cleanup:
- Removed all deprecated files (with only @DEPRECATED in it)
- Listing of blacklist entries added (may be uncomplete, untested)
- Fixed AJAX installer + added first admin registration to it
- Prepared better CAPTCHA support
- Various other fixes (tons!)
- TODOs.txt updated

198 lines of code changed in 36 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: admin-inc.php (+9 -6), overview-inc.php (+1 -1), what-add_tester_user.php (+1 -1), what-admins_contact.php (del), what-autopurge.php (del), what-config_booking.php (new 58), what-config_cache.php (del), what-config_cats.php (del), what-config_mods.php (del), what-config_rallye_prices.php (del), what-config_reg.php (del), what-config_rewrite.php (+5 -2), what-config_secure.php (+13 -1), what-del_task.php (del), what-edit_sponsor.php (+1 -1), what-list_ (+10 -10), what-list_autopurge.php (+1 -1), what-list_blacklist.php (new 89), what-list_network_vcheck_params.php (del), what-list_newsletter.php (del), what-list_norefs.php (del), what-list_task.php (+1 -1), what-list_user.php (+2 -8), what-list_user_amounts.php (+1 -1), what-list_yoomedia_tm.php (+1 -1), what-newsletter.php (del), what-optimize.php (+1 -1), what-payments.php (+1 -1), what-repair_amenu.php (del), what-repair_gmenu.php (del), what-repair_mmenu.php (del), what-send_coupon.php (+1 -1), what-stats.php (del), what-unlock_emails.php (+1 -1), what-user_online.php (del), what-welcome.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-05-04 02:14 Rev.: 6388

Since Wernis API 0.6-BETA SHA256 is the default now

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: what-config_wernis.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-03-06 01:32 Rev.: 6379

Renamed more:
- F -> file (no shortened names)
- L -> line (same)
- Found some SQL_FOOBAR() in comments

2 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: what-list_refs.php (+1 -1), what-send_coupon.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-03-06 01:24 Rev.: 6378

Renamed all SQL-related functions to camel-case notation

782 lines of code changed in 80 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: admin-inc.php (+80 -80), overview-inc.php (+20 -20), what-add_points.php (+5 -5), what-add_rallye.php (+5 -5), what-admin_add.php (+10 -10), what-adminedit.php (+15 -15), what-admins_mails.php (+11 -11), what-config_home.php (+3 -3), what-config_imprint.php (+3 -3), what-config_network_api.php (+8 -8), what-config_network_types.php (+16 -16), what-config_payouts.php (+19 -19), what-config_register.php (+5 -5), what-config_rewrite.php (+3 -3), what-del_email.php (+25 -25), what-del_holiday.php (+11 -11), what-del_sponsor.php (+7 -7), what-del_transfer.php (+6 -6), what-edit_emails.php (+9 -9), what-edit_sponsor.php (+6 -6), what-edit_user.php (+5 -5), what-email_archiv.php (+10 -10), what-email_details.php (+16 -16), what-extensions.php (+18 -18), what-guest_add.php (+10 -10), what-guestedit.php (+18 -18), what-list_admins_acls.php (+16 -16), what-list_autopurge.php (+4 -4), what-list_bank_package.php (+4 -4), what-list_beg.php (+3 -3), what-list_bonus.php (+3 -3), what-list_cats.php (+14 -14), what-list_country.php (+12 -12), what-list_coupon.php (+8 -8), what-list_email_max_rec.php (+16 -16), what-list_holiday.php (+4 -4), what-list_links.php (+13 -13), what-list_mods.php (+7 -7), what-list_network_array_translation.php (+4 -4), what-list_network_data.php (+4 -4), what-list_network_request_params.php (+4 -4), what-list_network_types.php (+4 -4), what-list_notifications.php (+7 -7), what-list_payouts.php (+19 -19), what-list_rallye_prices.php (+20 -20), what-list_rallyes.php (+22 -22), what-list_refs.php (+8 -8), what-list_sponsor.php (+14 -14), what-list_sponsor_pay.php (+14 -14), what-list_sponsor_pays.php (+3 -3), what-list_task.php (+6 -6), what-list_transfer.php (+4 -4), what-list_unconfirmed.php (+9 -9), what-list_user.php (+15 -15), what-list_user_amounts.php (+4 -4), what-list_user_cats.php (+6 -6), what-list_user_subid.php (+1 -1), what-list_wernis.php (+4 -4), what-lock_sponsor.php (+5 -5), what-lock_user.php (+6 -6), what-logs.php (+1 -1), what-mem_add.php (+10 -10), what-memedit.php (+18 -18), what-payments.php (+10 -10), what-refbanner.php (+14 -14), what-repair_amnu.php (+9 -9), what-repair_cats.php (+5 -5), what-repair_gmnu.php (+9 -9), what-repair_mmnu.php (+9 -9), what-send_coupon.php (+8 -8), what-send_newsletter.php (+4 -4), what-stats_mods.php (+6 -6), what-sub_points.php (+5 -5), what-surfbar_stats.php (+7 -7), what-theme_edit.php (+6 -6), what-theme_import.php (+2 -2), what-unlock_emails.php (+5 -5), what-unlock_sponsor.php (+18 -18), what-usage.php (+1 -1), what-usr_online.php (+4 -4)
quix0r 2013-01-24 19:51 Rev.: 6367

Updated copyright notice as there are changes in this year

191 lines of code changed in 191 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: action- (+1 -1), action-admins.php (+1 -1), action-bank.php (+1 -1), action-country.php (+1 -1), action-coupon.php (+1 -1), action-doubler.php (+1 -1), action-email.php (+1 -1), action-forced.php (+1 -1), action-grade.php (+1 -1), action-holiday.php (+1 -1), action-login.php (+1 -1), action-logout.php (+1 -1), action-menu.php (+1 -1), action-misc.php (+1 -1), action-mods.php (+1 -1), action-network.php (+1 -1), action-newsletter.php (+1 -1), action-payouts.php (+1 -1), action-rallye.php (+1 -1), action-repair.php (+1 -1), action-setup.php (+1 -1), action-sponsor.php (+1 -1), action-stats.php (+1 -1), action-surfbar.php (+1 -1), action-task.php (+1 -1), action-theme.php (+1 -1), action-transfer.php (+1 -1), action-user.php (+1 -1), action-wernis.php (+1 -1), admin-inc.php (+1 -1), overview-inc.php (+1 -1), subid- (+1 -1), subid-stats.php (+1 -1), what- (+1 -1), what-add_bank_package.php (+1 -1), what-add_guestnl_cat.php (+1 -1), what-add_points.php (+1 -1), what-add_rallye.php (+1 -1), what-add_sponsor.php (+1 -1), what-add_surfbar_url.php (+1 -1), what-add_tester_user.php (+1 -1), what-admin_add.php (+1 -1), what-adminedit.php (+1 -1), what-admins_add.php (+1 -1), what-admins_contct.php (+1 -1), what-admins_edit.php (+1 -1), what-admins_mails.php (+1 -1), what-bonus.php (+1 -1), what-cache_stats.php (+1 -1), what-config_ (+1 -1), what-config_active.php (+1 -1), what-config_admin.php (+1 -1), what-config_autopurge.php (+1 -1), what-config_beg.php (+1 -1), what-config_birthday.php (+1 -1), what-config_blacklist.php (+1 -1), what-config_bonus.php (+1 -1), what-config_coupon.php (+1 -1), what-config_doubler.php (+1 -1), what-config_extensions.php (+1 -1), what-config_holiday.php (+1 -1), what-config_home.php (+1 -1), what-config_imprint.php (+1 -1), what-config_mediadata.php (+1 -1), what-config_menu.php (+1 -1), what-config_network.php (+1 -1), what-config_network_api.php (+1 -1), what-config_network_types.php (+1 -1), what-config_newsletter.php (+1 -1), what-config_nickname.php (+1 -1), what-config_order.php (+1 -1), what-config_other.php (+1 -1), what-config_payouts.php (+1 -1), what-config_points.php (+1 -1), what-config_profile.php (+1 -1), what-config_proxy.php (+1 -1), what-config_refback.php (+1 -1), what-config_refid.php (+1 -1), what-config_register.php (+1 -1), what-config_register2.php (+1 -1), what-config_removeip.php (+1 -1), what-config_rewrite.php (+1 -1), what-config_secure.php (+1 -1), what-config_session.php (+1 -1), what-config_sponsor.php (+1 -1), what-config_stats.php (+1 -1), what-config_surfbar.php (+1 -1), what-config_timezone.php (+1 -1), what-config_title.php (+1 -1), what-config_top10.php (+1 -1), what-config_transfer.php (+1 -1), what-config_user.php (+1 -1), what-config_user_subid.php (+1 -1), what-config_validator.php (+1 -1), what-config_wernis.php (+1 -1), what-config_yoomedia.php (+1 -1), what-del_email.php (+1 -1), what-del_holiday.php (+1 -1), what-del_sponsor.php (+1 -1), what-del_transfer.php (+1 -1), what-del_user.php (+1 -1), what-edit_emails.php (+1 -1), what-edit_sponsor.php (+1 -1), what-edit_user.php (+1 -1), what-email_archiv.php (+1 -1), what-email_details.php (+1 -1), what-email_stats.php (+1 -1), what-extensions.php (+1 -1), what-guest_add.php (+1 -1), what-guestedit.php (+1 -1), what-holiday_list.php (+1 -1), what-holiday_remove.php (+1 -1), what-list_ (+1 -1), what-list_admins_acls.php (+1 -1), what-list_autopurge.php (+1 -1), what-list_bank_package.php (+1 -1), what-list_beg.php (+1 -1), what-list_bonus.php (+1 -1), what-list_booking.php (+1 -1), what-list_cats.php (+1 -1), what-list_country.php (+1 -1), what-list_coupon.php (+1 -1), what-list_doubler.php (+1 -1), what-list_email_max_rec.php (+1 -1), what-list_forced_ads.php (+1 -1), what-list_forced_campaigns.php (+1 -1), what-list_forced_costs.php (+1 -1), what-list_grade_data.php (+1 -1), what-list_holiday.php (+1 -1), what-list_links.php (+1 -1), what-list_mods.php (+1 -1), what-list_network_array_translation.php (+1 -1), what-list_network_data.php (+1 -1), what-list_network_request_params.php (+1 -1), what-list_network_types.php (+1 -1), what-list_nickname.php (+1 -1), what-list_notifications.php (+1 -1), what-list_payouts.php (+1 -1), what-list_point_accounts.php (+1 -1), what-list_rallye_prices.php (+1 -1), what-list_rallyes.php (+1 -1), what-list_referral_levels.php (+1 -1), what-list_refs.php (+1 -1), what-list_server_name.php (+1 -1), what-list_sponsor.php (+1 -1), what-list_sponsor_pay.php (+1 -1), what-list_sponsor_pays.php (+1 -1), what-list_surfbar_actions.php (+1 -1), what-list_surfbar_packages.php (+1 -1), what-list_surfbar_urls.php (+1 -1), what-list_task.php (+1 -1), what-list_transfer.php (+1 -1), what-list_unconfirmed.php (+1 -1), what-list_user.php (+1 -1), what-list_user_amounts.php (+1 -1), what-list_user_cats.php (+1 -1), what-list_user_subid.php (+1 -1), what-list_wernis.php (+1 -1), what-list_yoomedia_tm.php (+1 -1), what-lock_sponsor.php (+1 -1), what-lock_user.php (+1 -1), what-logs.php (+1 -1), what-maintenance.php (+1 -1), what-mem_add.php (+1 -1), what-memedit.php (+1 -1), what-optimize.php (+1 -1), what-payments.php (+1 -1), what-query_network_apis.php (+1 -1), what-refbanner.php (+1 -1), what-repair_amnu.php (+1 -1), what-repair_cats.php (+1 -1), what-repair_gmnu.php (+1 -1), what-repair_lang.php (+1 -1), what-repair_mmnu.php (+1 -1), what-repair_refs.php (+1 -1), what-send_bonus.php (+1 -1), what-send_coupon.php (+1 -1), what-send_newsletter.php (+1 -1), what-stats_mods.php (+1 -1), what-sub_points.php (+1 -1), what-surfbar_stats.php (+1 -1), what-theme_edit.php (+1 -1), what-theme_import.php (+1 -1), what-unlock_emails.php (+1 -1), what-unlock_sponsor.php (+1 -1), what-unlock_surfbar_urls.php (+1 -1), what-updates.php (+1 -1), what-usage.php (+1 -1), what-user_contct.php (+1 -1), what-usr_online.php (+1 -1), what-welcome.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-01-23 21:37 Rev.: 6364

Use rebuildCache() instead of loadCacheFile()/removeCacheFile()

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: what-extensions.php (+2 -5)
quix0r 2013-01-23 15:14 Rev.: 6353

Renamed function, used more "pool functions":
- Used more functions from inc/pool-funtions.php instead of JOINs and queries
- TODOs.txt updated

15 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: what-add_rallye.php (+1 -1), what-edit_emails.php (+7 -61), what-list_unconfirmed.php (+6 -9), what-send_coupon.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-01-23 12:20 Rev.: 6349

Rewrites to use filters instead of mass if() blocks

12 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: what-list_autopurge.php (+12 -8)
quix0r 2013-01-23 02:10 Rev.: 6347

More rewrites to configuration:
- Moved more configuration entries from tables.sql to proper extensions
- Moved some configuration from/to ext-other to/from ext-foo
- Swapped out 'update' step for ext-register
- TODOs.txt updated

2 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: what-config_autopurge.php (-12), what-config_other.php (-3), what-config_register2.php (+1 -5), what-config_title.php (+1 -6)
quix0r 2013-01-23 00:31 Rev.: 6345

Fixes for parser errors

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: what-del_email.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-01-23 00:27 Rev.: 6344

Rewrote script to use more EL, introduced wrappers for sending pool:
- Introduced wrapper function getPaymentTime() and getPaymentPayment() and used
both in EL code instead of PHP script
- Added new function library "pool-functions.php"
- Rewrote reading emails from "pool" table
- Rewrote updating of "pool data"
- TODOs.txt updated

18 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: what-del_email.php (+3 -10), what-list_network_array_translation.php (+1 -1), what-list_network_request_params.php (+1 -1), what-list_network_types.php (+1 -1), what-unlock_emails.php (+12 -39)
quix0r 2013-01-22 23:12 Rev.: 6343

Rewrote a lot parts to extract 'payments' table (+ handling) into own extension:
- Tried to avoid JOINs where possible to instead load data with getters from
- Renamed many array elements for payment data to match with database columns
- Used more EL code for payment data
- TODOs.txt updated

84 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: what-del_email.php (+4 -7), what-list_unconfirmed.php (+3 -3), what-payments.php (+68 -9), what-unlock_emails.php (+9 -11)
quix0r 2013-01-22 22:24 Rev.: 6341

Rewrote reset and some extensions:
- Rewrote script reset that weekly and monthly are now separated out from daily
- Rewrote ext-profile/order to handle their own configuration entries (were all
in ext-other)
- Moved large 'update' block for ext-order out to
- TODOs.txt updated

77 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: what-config_other.php (-6), what-config_profile.php (new 73), what-list_beg.php (+2 -2), what-list_bonus.php (+2 -2)
quix0r 2013-01-21 20:25 Rev.: 6339

Introduced new extension ext-blacklist:
- Extracted new extension ext-blacklist from aldready existing functions, as
this should become a more generic black-/white listing feature
- TODOs.txt updated

58 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: what-config_blacklist.php (new 55), what-unlock_emails.php (+3 -12)
quix0r 2013-01-17 03:20 Rev.: 6334

Typos fixed + keep fake modules hidden

3 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: admin-inc.php (+1 -1), what-stats_mods.php (+1 -1), what-usage.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-01-17 02:57 Rev.: 6331

Fixed sorting

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: what-stats_mods.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-01-17 02:49 Rev.: 6329

Renamed 'comma_def' to 'max_comma' to fit with configuration entry

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: what-config_other.php (+3 -3)
quix0r 2013-01-17 02:28 Rev.: 6325

Fixed also usage of previously renamed fields as they must be the same

8 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: what-add_rallye.php (+2 -2), what-config_mediadata.php (+4 -4), what-list_rallyes.php (+2 -2)
quix0r 2013-01-17 02:23 Rev.: 6324

Fixed calls of addSelectionBox()

23 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: what-add_rallye.php (+10 -10), what-config_mediadata.php (+3 -3), what-list_rallyes.php (+10 -10)
quix0r 2013-01-16 05:14 Rev.: 6320

Extension ext-network continued
- Added advertising network "Forced-Lose"
- Column 'network_api_config_site_id' now allows NULL
- Introduced function displayErrorMessage()
- TODOs.txt updated

11 lines of code changed in 8 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: what-add_points.php (+1 -1), what-del_user.php (+2 -2), what-edit_user.php (+1 -1), what-list_bonus.php (+1 -1), what-list_payouts.php (+1 -1), what-lock_user.php (+3 -3), what-sub_points.php (+1 -1), what-updates.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-01-14 22:05 Rev.: 6315

Extension ext-network cleaned up
- I had a missunderstanding with how vcheck works, now I know it better :(
- Rewrite some functions to use countSumTotalData() and "cache" it
- TODOs.txt updated

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: what-list_network_vcheck_params.php (+1 -126)
quix0r 2013-01-14 01:16 Rev.: 6310

Some major rewrites + ext-network continued:
- A lot more advertising network added (GolloX is still missing)
- Renamed extension mode 'register' to 'setup' to have no conflicting file names
- Large extension modes (a lot code) can now be swapped out to "mode" files,
see inc/extensions/foo/mode-bar.php for them. These mode-files will be loaded
after the main include has been loaded
- TODOs.txt updated

52 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: overview-inc.php (+49 -53), what-extensions.php (+2 -2), what-list_network_types.php (+1 -1)
quix0r 2013-01-12 12:12 Rev.: 6309

Extension ext-network continued:
- Added optional 'VisualPayCheck' parameter for API configuration
- Added network 'ProAdverty'
- TODOs.txt updated

4 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: what-config_network_api.php (+4 -2)
quix0r 2013-01-10 07:29 Rev.: 6303

Used EL code {%template,LoadTemplate=foo%} instead of loadTemplate('foo', TRUE);

5 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: admin-inc.php (+2 -2), what-list_country.php (-3), what-list_sponsor_pay.php (+3 -6)
quix0r 2013-01-10 07:04 Rev.: 6302

Removed some column aliases as they make it harder to check which column was ment

14 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: what-list_holiday.php (+7 -7), what-list_payouts.php (+7 -7)
quix0r 2013-01-10 05:29 Rev.: 6298

Theoretical working merge of mailid.php and mailid_top.php into mailid.php + a couple of call-back functions

89 lines of code changed in 7 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: admin-inc.php (+2 -2), what-del_email.php (+11 -11), what-edit_emails.php (+10 -10), what-email_archiv.php (+1 -1), what-email_details.php (+55 -10), what-list_notifications.php (+1 -1), what-list_unconfirmed.php (+9 -11)
quix0r 2013-01-10 03:40 Rev.: 6297

Filters for configurable userid exclusion added:
- Rewrote some if() blocks to a filter to exclude configured userids, if set
- Closed internal TODO (see above)
- Added SQL columns/aliases/table names in back-ticks (missed some)
- TODOs.txt updated

131 lines of code changed in 11 files:

  • branches/0.2.1-FINAL/inc/modules/admin: what-admins_mails.php (+18 -15), what-config_network_types.php (+9 -9), what-del_email.php (+4 -4), what-list_autopurge.php (+15 -15), what-list_coupon.php (+23 -23), what-list_holiday.php (+3 -3), what-list_network_request_params.php (+13 -13), what-list_rallye_prices.php (+11 -11), what-list_unconfirmed.php (+17 -11), what-list_user_amounts.php (+6 -6), what-unlock_sponsor.php (+12 -8)

(903 more)

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